Value proposition
Why choose iGenius LLMs
Leverage our private models to get accurate, contextualized answers in a safe and compliant way.
For regulated industries
iGenius LLMs were built for industries with strict compliance standards, such as financial services, government and heavy industry.
Mission-critical use cases
Easy to fine-tune to specific business data, iGenius LLMs are ideal for mission-critical use cases that require personalized AI models.
FP8 Format
Trained in the FP8 format, iGenius’ language models optimize the use of computational resources and accelerate calculation operations, reducing costs and energy consumption without compromising the models’ performance.
Continual Pre-Training
Continual Pre-training with proprietary company data allows an LLM to incorporate domain-specific knowledge and adapt to your organization’s requirements, with continuous updates and refinements to deliver the most accurate, customized results every single time.
Privacy and Security
The architecture of iGenius’ language models is designed to adhere to elevated security and compliance standards in regulated sectors.
Cost efficient
Sustainable and highly efficient, iGenius LLMs enable business growth with optimal financial and resource investment.